Friday, May 1, 2009

Apparently, I'm a mangina. According to this blog is "very gender neutral" but is probably written by a woman. God. Damnit. So I guess I'm gonna have to butch it up around here. Ironically I started this thing by saying I wouldn't try to be offensive and in the process have pussified to the extent that I have had a virtual sex change.

I guess it doesn't really matter... I mean, the three people aside from myself who read this thing haven't complained about my gender neutrality or lack thereof. I don't think I'm going to start discussing anatomy or technique to make myself feel better about the results of one probably fatally flawed website... I'm off to finish my Civil War exam, eat a steak, drink some beers, smoke my pipe and then find some sports on TV after "Dollhouse"... I assure you that was for your edification and had nothing to do with genderanalyzer... really. I swear.

Edit to add: that increased my manliness by 6%. Booyah!


  1. It said the same thing about my blog--52% sure a woman writes it. I write about throwing people, making knives, and the explosions in the Wolverine movie, and I'm still a woman :P

  2. That is an interesting website. The analyzer was 59% sure that a man wrote my blog, but it is still quite nuetral. It probably just picks a random number..
