Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A working anvil?!

The hell you say! I know, more adventures in anvil face prep. I went back to work on the anvil last night. I started by marking the face with a generic permanent marker that lays a heavy, dark mark-- even when retracing over previous lines. Using a 12" bastard file along the length of the face I was able to file away the high spots (picture to follow). To speed it up a little I used my angle grinder on the high spots, back to the file, back to the grinder, to the file and finally I used a 3x21" belt sander with a 40 grit belt. I wanted to use the angle grinder more, but it's both too precise (it will dig a pit) and not precise enough (that pit will be too deep and too wide) so I did most of the work with the long file. For my purposes, there's a brand new flat spot, and I'll get to use it tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a real workout, but it's what it takes to get your gear in good shape!

    BTW, I just wrote a piece on getting started in blacksmithing, and I was hoping that you might share a few ideas.

    Thanks again!

    Post Tenebras, Lux
    Dirus Canis
    The Wolf and Moon™
    Getting Started in Blacksmithing
