It's just after midnight and I spent about 10 minutes checking in at Don Fogg's site. Man, there's lots of absolutely amazing stuff going on over there. It made me miss working in the shop.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not forgetting the recent lessons: the economy sucks and smithing items are Luxury goods (yes, with a capital "L" because there's really no other way to look at it). I'm basically stuck where I am, career wise, unless I either get a miracle or a degree and I have some control over the degree. And, if I'm honest with myself, I really didn't spend as much time in the shop as I thought I might. It's been cold, I got an XBOX for Christmas (early, even) there was all the family stuff to do, the homework and exams for classes, the hunting trips, etc. I didn't make the mental shift to thinking of shop time like a "job." That said, if I had my druthers, I would be in a place where I could work at night because I really feel more creative and inspired to do metal work.
But, this is the path I chose and then abandoned only to be brought back to it. I must follow it or it will eat me from the inside. Only 17 months to go and then I get pressured to apply to grad school ;)
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...
I suppose. Thinking I would be clever and move BaWM over to a more
user-friendly site (tumblr) I found, to my dismay, that someone took
12 years ago