Monday, December 22, 2008

Target ruined my Wii!

How's that for a hard hitting headline? Ok, not exactly blacksmithing related but I don't have a better place to put this. The wife and I bought some fancy-pants LED lights for our Christmas tree at Target and the tree is kinda next to the TV. I also bought her a new Wii game (Boom Blox and it's awesome). Well we've been having a hell of a time with the Wiimotes acting all screwey. We were told that we probably need a new sensor bar and we should get the long one to fit our 50" TV.

There isn't a long sensor bar that I was able to find. But I did find out that the sensor bar isn't really a sensor bar, it's a UV emitter. Apparently it has LEDs on either end of the bar and the Wiimote senses these UV emitters then sends the info back to the Wii. People on the interwebtubes have videos of Wii games being played by candlelight (candles emit UV). See where I'm going with this? The LED tree lights that we bought at Target were interfering with the Wiimote. Unplug the tree= Wii is fixed= wife isn't frustrated with "Boom Blox"= life is good :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Yet another

Well, I know nobody reads this because I have a tracking service (free, thank God). But I went ahead and added my hunting blog, just in case someone wants to read about my freezing toes and horrible luck. I also updated Brainbottle with some writing samples.